
All 2025 Course offerings are now posted!!
Start with the "Schedules" Tab for details
Walsh University is fully accredited by ODE, & North Central.
All courses are 3 semester graduate hours. All courses are $599, with possible discounts.
Communicate Institute has not raised our retail price for courses in 8 years.
Online Self-Paced Courses
Our online/self-paced classes will use Walsh University’s fantastic and straightforward online environment. These classes are entirely self-paced - with no live sessions. They will take place in dedicated month-long windows.
But to give you the best of both worlds - we also have a dedicated instructor/monitor - who is often the author of the course, that is available for assignment and concept help when you need it. Of course, it won't be immediate response, but it will be timely, and something that you won't find with other online providers. Past participants have given fantastic feedback and report that the month seems plenty of time to complete the online expectations. Pre-register as you would with ANY of our classes, & as the start date approaches, we will guide you to your course’s online login and final payment.
All courses are 3 semester hours.
A student will not receive new credit if they previously took the "in-person" version of any of these courses.
You may finish the course in any time frame within the window, but grades will not be submitted to Walsh until the end of the window.​
Registration now closed for 4365 and 4366
4365 Assessing for Achievement Self-Paced 1/16/25 - 2/15/2025 Stover
4366 Healthy Pathways for Authentic Learning Self-Paced 1/16/25 - 2/15/2025 Schultz
All courses below actively taking Pre-Registration. Sign-Up before limits are reached.
4367 Power of Inclusive Classrooms 2/19/25 - 3/21/2025 Olbon
4368 The Digital Student 2/19/25 - 3/21/2025 Kandel
4369 Fostering Improvement in Disadv. Students - 2/19/25 - 3/21/2025 Schultz
4371 Future of Learning and Technology - 3/20/25 - 4/21/25 Kandel
4372 Reaching and Teaching Gifted Students - 3/20/25 - 4/21/25 Callihan
4373 Assessing for Achievement 4/23/25 - 5/23/2025 Stover
4374 Power of Inclusive Classrooms 4/23/25 5/23/2025 Olbon
4381 Healthy Pathways for Authentic Learning 6/2/25 - 7/2/2025 Schultz
4382 Google, Now! Self-Paced 6/2/25 - 7/2/2025 Kandel
4383 Accountability to Independence 6/12/25 - 7/12/2025 Pramuka
4384 Inquiry-Based Approaches for Active Student Learning 6/12/25 - 7/12/2025 Stover
4385 Reaching and Teaching Gifted Students - 6/26/25 - 7/26/2025 Callihan
4386 Fostering Improvement in Disadv. Students - 6/26/25 - 7/26/2025 Schultz
4387 Future of Learning and Technology 7/8/25 - 8/8/25 Kandel
FALL 2025
4391 Assessing for Achievement Dates TBD Stover
4392 Power of Inclusive Classrooms Dates TBD Olbon
4393 Google, Now! Dates TBD Kandel
4394 Accountability to Independence Dates TBD Pramuka
4395 Inquiry-Based Approaches for Active Student Learning Dates TBD Stover
Online Live/Remote Courses/Not-Self-Paced
We will no longer be holding live/remote sections.
Only the self-paced versions above will be held. Sorry for any inconvenience. ​​​​​​​​