FALL courses are posted!
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Adventures In Attitudes - Human Relations for Educators EDT6692
Bringing out the Best in Students: -Developing Performance Character EDT6750
Brain Power Strategies EDT6900
Courage for The Discouraged EDT6901
The Well-Informed Educator EDT6932
Creative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Core Standards EDT6725
LifePOWER: -Strategies for Reducing Educator and Student Stress EDT6690
Engaging the 21st Century Learner thru Technology EDT6749
Educating for Character -Developing Moral Character EDT6724
Effective Instruction EDT6729
Hands on Math K-8 EDT6748
Succeeding with Students of Poverty EDT6916
IQ-EQ Connections - Helping Kids Care EDT6438
Literacy for Learning - Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum EDT6701
The Teacher's Toolbox EDT6915
Time & Life Mastery - Time Management for Educators EDT6696
Positive Discipline in The Classroom EDT6731
Risk to Resilience - Strength-Based Interventions for Students EDT6747
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Accountability to Independence EDT6938
Marianne Pramuka, Author
Ohio Standards develop students to be college and career ready. The standards are designed to have students graduate ready to be productive citizens. We provide many differentiated opportunities for our students to experience real world learning to ensure students reach the desired outcomes. However, as educators, we often feel as if we are doing the learning for our students. The students rely heavily on support and often will not attempt or take a risk if the teachers are not right there guiding them. How do we make students accountable for their learning that will lead to independence and ownership of the learning? The participants in this course will gain an understanding and approaches on how to promote accountability through relationships, clear expectations, productive feedback, along with being part of the collective.
A few things the participants will learn:
● Accountability is not compliance
● Self efficacy to promote achievement
● The powerful impact positive relationship and trust have in the classroom
● Building the collective through shared experiences
● How creating a safe learning environment leads to students knowing making mistakes is how we learn
● The value of a productive struggle
● The importance of Capstone Projects and Essential Experiences when developing our students to be productive citizens
● Various ways to give students choice and a voice
● The importance of parent communication and participation
Overall Course Goals:
The goals of this course are:
1. To build accountability in learning and not just compliance to complete a task
2. The importance of self efficacy for independence
3. To learn the power of relationships, trust, active listening, empathy vs. sympathy when developing teacher/student relationships
4. To examine how teacher bias plays a part of student accountability
5. Providing Essential Learning Experience in elementary and middle school grades that will lead to high quality Capstone Projects
6. Supporting parents/families in the path of accountability to independence through communication
7. To model how setting goals lead to student success
8. To develop various ways for students to own their learning through voice and choice while providing real world experiences
9. To understand the power of constructive feedback from teachers, peers and other stakeholders
10. To share the importance of teacher clarity of the standards and student learning