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Adventures In Attitudes - Human Relations for Educators EDT6692
Bringing out the Best in Students: -Developing Performance Character EDT6750
Brain Power Strategies EDT6900
Courage for The Discouraged EDT6901
The Well-Informed Educator EDT6932
Creative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Core Standards EDT6725
LifePOWER: -Strategies for Reducing Educator and Student Stress EDT6690
Engaging the 21st Century Learner thru Technology EDT6749
Educating for Character -Developing Moral Character EDT6724
Effective Instruction EDT6729
Hands on Math K-8 EDT6748
Succeeding with Students of Poverty EDT6916
IQ-EQ Connections - Helping Kids Care EDT6438
Literacy for Learning - Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum EDT6701
The Teacher's Toolbox EDT6915
Time & Life Mastery - Time Management for Educators EDT6696
Positive Discipline in The Classroom EDT6731
Risk to Resilience - Strength-Based Interventions for Students EDT6747


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Assessing for Achievement!    EDT6958    NEW!       

Author: Diane Agnes M.Ed  and Chad Agnes M.Ed


This will be the best course you ever take on assessment!  The course

is full of engaging activities to help educators (and their classroom students)

demonstrate learning - AND motivate student achievement simultaneously! You will learn some philosophy regarding assessment, but most importantly, spend time conceiving/planning effective and creative assessments. Participants will have time for both reflection and work. The goal of the course is to empower educators in their perceptions of student improvement and achievement, and their communication of that progress to parents, peers, and colleagues.  The concepts presented in this class are based on the best practices of Dr. Robert Marzano, Dr. John Hattie, Carol Ann Tomlinson, Connie M. Moss, Susan M. Brookhart, Myron Duek, Erik Francis, Rick Stiggins and others. It is suggested that participants bring either a laptop or tablet to class.


A Few of the Many Things You Will Learn:

Aligning assessments to Learning Targets

Discussing the purpose and options of formative & summative assessment

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Project Based Learning as an assignment/assessment tool

Higher Order Questions and Leveled Questioning

The role of assessment in Differentiation

Student/Teacher/Classroom goal-setting as a guide to achievement

Analyzing data from all types of assessments

Mastery Learning

The role of actual grades.

Communicating with others about your assessments and student progress

Using technology to assist with all assessments

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                                    P.O. Box 35543   Canton, Ohio  44735     

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