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Adventures In Attitudes - Human Relations for Educators EDT6692
Bringing out the Best in Students: -Developing Performance Character EDT6750
Brain Power Strategies EDT6900
Courage for The Discouraged EDT6901
The Well-Informed Educator EDT6932
Creative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Core Standards EDT6725
LifePOWER: -Strategies for Reducing Educator and Student Stress EDT6690
Engaging the 21st Century Learner thru Technology EDT6749
Educating for Character -Developing Moral Character EDT6724
Effective Instruction EDT6729
Hands on Math K-8 EDT6748
Succeeding with Students of Poverty EDT6916
IQ-EQ Connections - Helping Kids Care EDT6438
Literacy for Learning - Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum EDT6701
The Teacher's Toolbox EDT6915
Time & Life Mastery - Time Management for Educators EDT6696
Positive Discipline in The Classroom EDT6731
Risk to Resilience - Strength-Based Interventions for Students EDT6747


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Healthy Pathways to Authentic Learning

Author: Carole Snider EDT6945




This course will offer a vital avenue for student success and that is total student health. The Common Core State Standards demand deeper teaching so all students are college or career ready upon graduation. This requires a healthy mind and body coupled with mental wellness. Many schools today have reduced physical education and health classes to a bare minimum; coupled with increased school stress, and a lack of basic executive function skills, a student’s ability to meet the rigorous demands are greatly diminished. Educators will learn classroom implementation methods to promote the essential healthy mind, body, and spirit required to meet the rigorous demands placed upon students today. This course is based on the latest research demonstrating that total student health will enhance and promote student achievement.  Of course, educators themselves can also benefit from the research and its personal/professional application from this course.

A few of the many things participants will learn include:
The negative effects of being a fast food nation
A food plan to promote learning
How to teach basic nutrition to students
The importance of hydration to facilitate cognition
The lifelong benefits of being physically fit
How exercise makes the learning process more efficient
The importance of executive function skills for learning
The five essential executive function skills
The complex effects of stress on memory
The physical reactions to stress
Identification of the silent school stressors for students
Techniques to help students manage their stress
Methods to promote mental wellness in students
How happiness and optimism promote academic growth
The importance of emotional fitness and methods to teach positive emotions
How to set goals using the Backwards Goal Design
The importance of creating a vision – seeing the possibility of realizing true success
The power of hustle for students – learning to put in sustained effort to achieve success
Helping every student internalize that their life matters

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